Today I got up to my elbows in organizing the kitchen! What may appear as a simple task to some, is a daunting task to me! I am so happy with the result!
I found an acrylic bread-keeper with humidity control knob to keep bread fresh. I scrubbed the toaster, counter, fruit-basket cookie jar (where we keep sugar), and the Keebler Elves cookie jar (tea bags).
Next, I spent time on the spice cupboard. I thought, "Here are these little bottles, taking up 'floor space' in their shelf in the cabinet, and there's all this 'air space' above them. Surely there's a way to stack these puppies in a tier system so they can be organized!" Sure enough, I found a three-tier rack stacker thingy...score!
While I was busy cleaning the cabinets, I also cleaned the Keurig coffee maker. I have the big one. I found this awesome video here (click here>>) How to Clean a Keurig
I really like the three-stack storage unit for organizing Mark's medicine. The top unit has dividers, and the second and third are free-form.
Over the past few days, I have been working on the pantry. I like to use deep, rectangle Tupperware containers to store thing. I have envelopes of things, like gravy mix and onion soup mix in one. I also have sauces, salad dressing, and b-b-q sauces in another.
It is not cedar lined or filled with home-canned garden goodies, but it is now a nicely organized and inventoried pantry!
I previously stored potatoes under the sink, but...there's a leak (a whole 'nother story) so now I keep them on the bottom shelf of the pantry in the blue crate/tub from Target which was laying around not being used. The paper grocery bags are next to the potatoes.