Bev, Jeri Calderelli, Mary Forester |
Who gets to go to a 5th Grade Class Reunion?! It went like this, Mrs. Calderelli contacted my class-mate Paul, who I'm connected with on facebook, along with many other classmates. Mrs. C says she's going to be in Pleasant Hill in October, and would anyone like to get together? Would I? What a fun, totally unexpected special thing to do! Janice drove down from Medford, I flew in from Ontario, and Janice's sister Audrey put us up for a couple nights. They picked me up at OAK, and we went home to Audrey's for soup, salad, bread, and great conversations and catching-up! Janice and I met 8 other classmates and Mrs. C at a restaurant in Pleasant Hill, in the same building that I worked as hostess / waitress when I was a teenager. Mrs. C looks better than ever! She was my age now when I was in her class in 1976-77. It must be her Italian heritage that makes her look so young! We tried to buy her dinner, and she refused, so the money was left on the table for one big tip! Janice and I drove around, past her old home, went to Pleasant Hill Elementary, past Back Forty's new location, Montgomery Wards...oh, it's good to go home once in a while! I especially enjoyed taking BART back to OAK to catch my flight home. It was a day when SF Giants were playing Philly @ SF, so there were some Giants fans on BART with me until MacArthur Station, "MacArthur Station, next stop MacArthur Station." I miss BART.
Bev, Carol Burke Sorensen and Janice McFarland Nelson |
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